Thank you for visiting this page. If you’re here, you probably need help or information about surrogacy or assisted reproduction; and you want to get that help or information as quickly as possible.
So first, here’s how you can reach me.
Call me! I’ve got a handy button right below my picture that says "Schedule a Call with Nicole”. When you click on it, you’ll see the times when I’m busy and when I’m available. Just find an open spot that works for you and fill out the form. It’s a short one, I promise! I just need a few basic pieces of information so that I can be prepared to help you right away. I’ll give you a call at the scheduled time, and we can go forward from there. I prefer scheduled phone calls. That way we don’t play phone tag and you know that I’ll be available at the time you choose. By the way, I don’t charge you anything for short phone calls or for emails. If you prefer to send a message instead, click the button at the top of the page that says "Send a Message to Nicole".
Meet with me online! I know you’re busy, and your schedule is full of important things. Plus, I know it’s sometimes difficult to take off time from work and who wants to fight DC and MD traffic. So, if it’s easier for you, we can connect online. Check out my online services if you think this is the best option for you.
Schedule a meeting: You can also call 301.968.1630, and we can set up a time to meet at one of my office locations. One location is in Bethesda, MD, and the other is in National Harbor, MD. You can find those addresses at the bottom of this page.
Do you need help after hours? Please send me an email or send a message through the website! I do check my email often, so you can email me at Nicole and I will get in touch with you as soon as I can.
I know it is frustrating when people don’t return your calls or respond to your emails.
So, here is how I handle communications. As I said above, I prefer you to schedule a call using the “Schedule a Call with Nicole” button above. This will prevent playing phone tag, and it will save both of us time. If you send me an email during normal business hours, I’ll respond to you within 2 hours.
Does it bother you when people won’t give you a straight answer?
I feel the same way. That’s why I’ll always give you the information and answers you need to better understand your situation and your legal rights. Clarity and openness are two of the pillars of my practice.
Do you want a lawyer who cares about you?
Whether you’re making your estate plan or moving through the surrogacy process, I’ve been there. I’m a mom to my wonderful children thanks to surrogacy. I walked that path, and I understand not only the legal aspects of surrogacy, but the emotional aspects as well. I care about protecting my family’s future, so I have crafted my own estate plan, in addition to estate plans for many other people. I would be glad to help you set up an estate plan that is perfect for your situation right now.
You will always have my undivided attention.
One of the reasons I like to schedule calls and appointments ahead of time is so that I can focus completely on your case. I won’t take any other calls while I’m talking to you, whether we’re doing a video chat, speaking on the phone, or sitting in my office. When we are talking about your case, all of my focus is on you and the issue we are dealing with together, whether it’s a surrogacy agreement or an estate plan.
I don’t do hourly rates.
Instead, I do flat rates. That way, you won’t be shocked with a bill that’s higher than what you expected. You’ll always know exactly how much each service costs before we begin working together.
Am I an excellent lawyer?
I could answer this question with an emphatic “yes,” but I know that you’re looking for proof, something more concrete than my word on the matter. After all, you don’t know me yet.
I like to build trust with my clients by sharing lots of helpful information for free! I do this through my blog, my newsletters, my website, Facebook, and Twitter. The more information I give you about estate planning and surrogacy, the more you will understand your own situation. When you have that knowledge, you have power. You will better understand each step that we take together and understand the legal reasoning. Openness, knowledge, and understanding are great building blocks for trust.
Another way that I can help you feel confident is to show you what my other clients have said about me. Take a look at some testimonials on my website.
Trust is established in other ways, too— when I answer your calls and emails promptly, when I look out for your best interests, when I fix a mistake immediately if one occurs, when I take action quickly on your behalf, and when I am up-front and honest about every aspect of your case.
What kind of clients do I want?
Honesty works both ways. I love having clients who are honest with me in the same way that I am with them. I can only help you to the best of my ability when I have all the information. I also appreciate clients who are polite and nice to me and my staff. It’s a joy to work with clients who freely admit that they don’t know it all, but they are sincerely eager to learn.
Would you like to connect via social media?
My blog is a great place to find helpful information and resources about all aspects of surrogacy and estate planning.
Follow me on Twitter! I share a lot of valuable advice and information here.
Check out the Kinsey Law Group Facebook page, where you’ll see links to the blog and other bits of relevant information.
Find me on Google+
Connect with me via my LinkedIn profile.
Do you want to know more about my credentials?
- Graduated from the University of Virginia, The College of Arts and Sciences (Charlottesville, Virginia) with a Bachelor of Arts Degree with a double major in Biology and Chemistry, and a specialization in Biochemistry
- Graduated from The Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine (Baltimore, Maryland) with a Ph.D. in Molecular Biology and Genetics
- Obtained my Juris Doctor Degree from George Washington University Law School (Washington, D.C.)
I am a member of:
- The American Bar Association (ABA) and its Section of General Practice, Solo & Small Firm Division, and various committees (Estate Planning Committee, Probate & Trust Committee, and Family Law Committee)
- The ABA’s Section of Family Law and various committees (Adoption Committee, Alternative Families Committee, and Assisted Reproductive Technologies Committee)
- The Maryland State Bar Association and its Sections of Estate Planning & Trust Law, and Solo & Small Firm Practice
- The District of Columbia Bar and its Estate, Trusts and Probate Law Section
- The American Society for Reproductive Medicine (Legal Professional Group)
- RESOLVE: The National Infertility Association

You’re Invited to Call or E-mail.
“If you have questions about any aspect of Assisted Reproduction or Surrogacy, please don’t hesitate to call. I am the proud mother of a daughter and son via Gestational Surrogacy and I will happily answer your questions and share my personal experiences as an Intended Parent. You are invited to call or send an e-mail any time, without cost or obligation. I’ll be happy to help you in every way.”-Nicole
Phone (301) 968-1630 or E-mail nicole @